7 Ways to Stay Motivated to Workout

7 Ways to Stay Motivated to Workout

Summer is around the corner, which means so is bikini season. Wearing the bare minimum for the first time since hiding under your winter clothes can cause a little anxiety.

It’s easy to create an excuse for not working out, but more times than not you end up feeling guilty for not going. Finding what motivates you to workout is the key to consistency. Many have no problem going to the gym, and find that working out actually relieves stress, but how long can you keep up the workout kick?

Sure having a significant other or friend to hold you accountable always helps, but there comes a time when you have to hold yourself accountable, which can be hard with competing priorities.

If you are one of those people who gives yourself excuses to avoid working out, then try one or all of these motivators to help you get to the point of finding the workout addiction and/or feeling confident with yourself!

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1. Have a plan

We have all gone to the gym at least once, walked around contemplating what to do, and then left feeling like you did next to nothing. You need a PLAN. Whether you are running outside, weightlifting, or doing cardio, you should have an idea of what you are doing before beginning. Figure out what time you want to finish half a mile, a mile, etc. Have a list of exercises and the amount of reps. Pedal at a good pace for 3 min., then as fast as you can for 1 min x 10. Whatever you are doing, write it down! I have a little notebook I take with me to the gym everyday. I write down the exercises, the amount of reps, and occasionally the weight I want to try. This helps me to continuously move during the workout, and limits the amount of time I am aimlessly wandering from machine to machine.

If you are not sure where to start then check out the Sweat App or bodybuilding.com. This summer I am going to start Kelsey Wells’ PWR workouts (more to come on this later). You can choose either beginner, intermediate, or advanced on her app to customize what level of lifting is best for you. Because it is an app, you would not have to write down your workouts since they are on your phone.

Russell uses Bodybuilding.com for his workouts. You can insert your height, weight, and what goals you are trying to achieve and they customize workouts for you. You can download the app on your phone and have the workouts with you.

2. Music –

I HAVE to have music while I workout. Music is arguably the most important motivator for me on this list. I use Spotify while working out, and they have workout playlists already created and ready to go for any workout. Running, lifting, or cardio, there is a playlist for you.

My Favs: Beast Mode, Today’s Top Hits, Power Workout, Morning Run 150-165 BPM

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3. Watch Videos –

This one may not work for everyone, but if you find someone who inspires you to reach your fitness goals, watch their workout videos before working out. I have gone on Instagram to watch some of Kelsey Wells’ workout clips to provide a little motivation boost to get my ass moving. On occasion these videos will also give you new variations to workouts or exercises you are already using.

4. Establish a Routine –

Workout as soon as you wake up or right after work; whenever it is, create a routine that becomes habit. The first week or two will be the hardest if you want to consistently workout 4-5+ times a week. If you’re someone who loves fitness classes, figure out the class time and get there! Establishing a routine will leave less wiggle room for an excuse to form.

You have your routine, but how do you get yourself to the gym or start the run? The answer- don’t wait to get yourself moving. If you are a morning workout goer, get dressed as soon as you wake up and get out the door by a certain time. The longer you wait to remove your comfy sheets after the alarm clock goes off, the less likely you will actually make your workout. After work goers, bring your workout clothes with you to work, and drive straight to the gym right after work. I have found going home after work leads to laying down on the couch, which then leads to making an excuse about how I deserve to rest. Whatever time of day your workout routine occurs, get dressed, and get out of your house!

5. Look Good, Feel Good –

I always feel great when I’m sporting a cute new workout outfit. With your new found motivation, treat yourself to some athleisure, and get yourself to the gym to show off your new outfit!

My favorite workout clothing: Athleta, Senita, Nike, Lululemon

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6. Make Personal Goals –

Slipped on your New Years Resolutions after week one? Ditto, I feel ya. But it’s never too late to look at your inner and/ or outer self and think about what goals you want to achieve. Whether it’s weight loss, muscle mass, or building up your self-confidence, figure out what changes you want to make in the next month(s) or year and write it down! This will help channel your workout routines. This also includes your diet! It is important to make food goals as well- eat less sugar or consume more protein each day.

7. Get out of your comfort zone –

A few months ago I read a fitness post on Instagram mentioning the importance of lifting heavy weights if you want to see changes. So I gave it a try. I stopped my 3 sets by 10 reps routine using the same weight and mixed it up. I started doing heavier weight and did 12-15 reps or as many reps as I could until fail. I’ve also tried doing pyramid sets.. 4 sets of 15, 12, 10, 10 reps. I gradually add weight as I get to the lower reps. Bottom line – if you are doing the same run, lift, or cardio, you will NOT meet your personal goals. Add sprints or do a tempo run, add on the weight, or do less weight and more reps. Find what works for you and GET OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE.

It’s time to GET MOTIVATED!!

♥ & xx

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a step by step guide 2 - 7 Ways to Stay Motivated to Workout





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