7 Ways to Stay Motivated to Workout

7 Ways to Stay Motivated to Workout

Summer is around the corner, which means so is bikini season. Wearing the bare minimum for the first time since hiding under your winter clothes can cause a little anxiety. It’s easy to create an excuse for not working out, but more times than not 

Arbonne Chocolate, Peanut Butter, Banana, and Coconut Protein Shake

Arbonne Chocolate, Peanut Butter, Banana, and Coconut Protein Shake

PROTEIN. The word thrown around with fitness gurus alike and often averted by those who don’t lift weights. Before I started doing research I avoided protein like the plague because I always had this idea that eating/drinking protein would make me big and bulky. However, after 

Tire Flips

Tire Flips

There is limited gym equipment to use here in Lagos, so we have had to get creative with our workouts! Our new favorite workout activity is flipping tires. After our run/lift we found some old tires near our gym, and we went to town. There